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59,95€ pro Jahr

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Bevier Konzerte

The Bevier concerts have been taking place in Berlin's most famous venues for over 26 years. These include the Berlin Cathedral, the Chamber Music Hall in the Philharmonie, the French Cathedral, the Apostle Paulus Church and the Auen Church. The main focus is on classical music. Lovers of jazz, klezmer, tango, fado, gospel and Don Cossacks will also get their money's worth.


  1. Come alone or in pairs and pay half the total price of all concerts. Information about the dates of the concerts can be found on the website of Bevier Konzerte. All bookings are binding and must be paid for even in case of non-appearance. Please indicate the keyword "joycard" when booking. The joycard must be shown on the evening of the game.

Tel:030 - 882 29 79 Fax:030 - 881 54 01

E-Mail:bevier-musikverlag@t-online.de Web:www.bevier-musikverlag.de

Open Hours

Den Konzertplan finden Sie auf der Webseite.